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Linking parallel major and minor pentatonic patterns for blues soloing with Andy Aledort
Using parallel major and minor pentatonic scales in a blues solo with Andy Aledort
Blues Soloing with the Major Third - with Andy Aledort
Soloing with major pentatonic and hexatonic scales with Andy Aledort
The Best Chord Positions for Soloing with Andy Aledort
Major pentatonic scale positions and patterns with Andy Aledort
In Deep with Andy Aledort -Pentatonic Guitar Soloing - Part 2
In Deep by Andy Aledort - A Pattern-Based Soloing Approach
Parallel Modal Theory? - Master Major & Minor Pentatonic
More on Major Third in Blues-Based Solos with Andy Aledort
In Deep with Andy Aledort - Soloing with Blues Triad Shapes
Andy Aledort - Guitar World - Truefire - E minor pent/major pent soloing